Monday, 10 December 2018

Persuasive Essay Task

8-1 and 8-2 are beginning work today on our persuasive essay task, which will culminate our work on the Renaissance and give students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of how this time period impacted the western world and brought about change.

The task sheet for this assignment can be found here. Today we are writing our first attempt at a thesis statement and these will receive teacher feedback before we move forward with developing the introduction, three body paragraphs and conclusion.

Please ask your child at home which question they are choosing to respond to (listed in a previous blog post), and what they submitted as their initial thesis statement.

We are hoping to be finished these essays before Winter Break, so if any students are heading on holidays before then, they should see Ms. Liddell for instructions.

Thanks again for your support!
Ms. Liddell