Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Outcome 1 Science Quiz Light and Optical Systems

Just a reminder about our science quiz this Thursday. The quiz will consist of 19 multiple choice questions and 3 numeric response questions.
Related imageOutcome 1: Investigate the nature and transmission of light as it interacts with different types of materials and objects. This outcome is further broken down into 4 objectives:
Objective 1A: Describe how light is reflected, transmitted and absorbed by different materials
Objective 1B: Measure and predict angles of reflection
Objective 1C: Measure and predict angles of refraction

Objective 1D: Investigate materials used in optical technologies
Here is the link to the notes and videos. Students are encourage to review their notes and practice questions. A purple review booklet was also sent home with students on Monday.

Students are encouraged to continue to review multiplying and dividing fractions at home, we will have a MIA this Friday on division with fractions.