Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Personal Essay Task

8-1 and 8-2 have begun preparing for our personal essay project in Humanities. We have been brainstorming potential topics, using these suggestions:

-your bravest moment
-how you met your best friend
-a moment when your life changed forever
-how you overcame a fear
-a difficult choice you had to make
-a special encounter with an animal/pet
-a time when you felt out of place
-when someone gave you advice
-a time when you disappointed someone
-a time you saw your parent(s) cry
-your fondest memory
-when a tradition started
-a time when you made a bad choice
-a failure you’ve experienced
-a success you’ve experienced
-a time when you learned a lesson
-a proud moment
-when you visited somewhere new
-when someone told you something about yourself
-when you worked hard at something

The task sheet can be found here: Personal Essay Task

Two good examples of Middle School Personal Essays can be found here: