Friday, 5 April 2019

Visual Impairment task due next week

Hello 8-1 & 8-2 families,

This week in science, students participated in a dissection of a sheep's eye. Student's were respectful and highly engaged throughout this activity. Each group demonstrated a high level of maturity and skill as they located and isolated each of the major structures of the eye, including the cornea, iris, vitreous humor, lens, retina, tapetum, and optic nerve. 

Student's have been working all week to create an engaging and persuasive presentation on a visual impairment of their choice. We will share our presentations on Wednesday of next week.  Please have your child share their work with you this weekend; presentations should be close to fully completed. The criteria for this assignment can be found in last weeks math/science blog post or on D2L. This upcoming Tuesday, students will write their Operations with Fractions unit test. We will move into our percent, ratio, and rate unit next week.

Enjoy your weekend!